Patient Experiences: Hemophilia and Inhibitors


Explaining the complex clinical trial data  - a common challenge in medical publishing - so it can be immediately interpreted, and recalled with ease for the complex therapy area of long-acting factor concentrate for the treatment of hemophilia A and B

Until now regular prophylactic factor infusion has been the standard of care in the management of patients with severe hemophilia A and B. However, frequent intravenous administration is an inconvenience and frequently leads to patient dissatisfaction and non-adherence. Most patients must infuse two to three times weekly to maintain hemostatic trough levels due to the relatively short half-lives of factor VIII. The arrival of long-acting factor concentrate has been anxiously anticipated, potentially enhancing the convenience of, and adherence to therapy




Qualitative: hematologists

The research explored:

The how to communicate data to most clearly demonstrate the efficacy of long-acting factor concentrate


A plan for communicating effectively the product value with European hematologists, allowing the communications agency to finalize the material including graphics, data point comparisons, so it resonated with specialists correctly and achieved spontaneously recalled


Market Landscape: Anti-rejection drugs


Market Acceptance: Acute myeloid leukemia