Guidewires Pricing Survey: Insights from the EU and US Markets


medintel conducted a pricing survey study on guidewires, serving as critical tools in minimally invasive medical procedures. Our research aimed to provide valuable insights into market dynamics and pricing strategies for these essential medical devices.


EU5, United States


Quantitative: To comprehensively capture market dynamics influenced by Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs), we surveyed both payers/administrators and healthcare professionals (HCPs). This dual-pronged approach ensured a 360-degree view of factors shaping guidewire pricing in these regions.

The research explored:

  • Market Pricing Analysis: Comprehensive analysis of guidewire pricing, including pricing models, trends, and influencing factors

  • Competitive Landscape: In-depth examination of key players and their pricing strategies

  • Regional Variations: Exploration of pricing differences across EU and US regions


By understanding market dynamics and pricing strategies in both the EU and US, our client was well-equipped to position their products effectively, optimize pricing structures, and enhance their competitive edge. This study will serve as a crucial resource for pricing strategy development and market expansion efforts going forward.


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